Today, it takes more brains and effort to make out the income-tax form than it does to make the income.
Alfred E. Neuman
At tax time, it helps to remember that if your tax obligation has increased from the previous year, it's usually because you're enjoying more income. That's a situation to which most of us aspire. Higher taxes are a price that we pay for greater success.
Richard Carlson


After the US tax return has been filed, there is usually no response from the IRS. A confirmation will be sent after submitting the FBAR, and I will forward this on to you.

The US tax year has come to an end with the filing of the tax return and the FBAR. For the next tax year, you will receive an invitation in January to have me take care of the tax return again. If you agree, you will receive a down payment invoice. After the deposit is made, I will send the checklist. As soon as all the necessary information has been collected and delivered, I will start with the tax return preparation. I work in order of receipt of the documents.

If the information is not received before the first deadline, but the down payment has already been paid, I will request an extension before the deadline, so that there is more time to prepare your tax return.

If you have followed the Streamlined Foreign Offshore procedure, I will ensure that an extension is requested for the next return in time. After that, we can probably continue at full speed.

With the Relief Procedures for Certain Former Citizens, no follow-up is required after submission. It is wise to keep the "Certificate of Loss of Nationality" in a safe place. When you travel to America, it is useful to take a copy of your CLN with you to indicate that you officially no longer have the American nationality.

Back to Work process

Relief Procedures for Certain Former Citizens

If you have never filed a US tax return and you want to renounce your US citizenship as soon as possible, you can also follow the Relief Procedure. You will first renounce your US nationality, and then submit income tax returns for 6 years along with 6 years of FBARs and a separate statement of assets.

More information?

Please contact me

Do you have any questions about your situation, or your US tax obligations? Do you want to know what you need to do? Feel free to contact me. I will explain your obligations, what steps you need to take, and what the consequences are. In a complimentary conversation, I will also explain what the costs will be if further action needs to be taken. 

Contact me